Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Improving Your Smile While Undergoing Invisalign Treatment

As people are more conscious of looks and appearance nowadays, many people decide to improve their smile. A great way to improve your smile is with the best Invisalign in Canton MI and Invisalign Waterford MI to help you smile brighter. You can get your teeth straightened quickly and efficiently by great orthodontists who care.

What Makes Invisalign a Preferred Choice for Patients?

Invisalign is a clear, transparent set of customized aligners that uses the latest and best 3D technology.  You need to wear these aligners for around twenty-two hours daily to achieve the best results. Always take care of your aligners while maintaining your great oral hygiene as advised by an orthodontist in Waterford MI. It will help you to overcome the issues which might crop up during the Invisalign treatment.

Invisalign care is important to avoid discomfort while in treatment.

Orthodontic treatments work on your teeth and gums by gently and slowly improving their positioning. Canton Invisalign specialists can give you great advice on why it is normal to face some discomfort while undergoing Canton Invisalign treatment while you get used to the aligners.

Although discomfort temporarily affects you, demineralization is the one side effect of Invisalign that you should really pay attention to. Whenever food gets trapped in your teeth or interacts with plaque or bacteria inside your mouth, it starts producing acid. In turn, it deteriorates phosphate and calcium in teeth thus causing demineralization.  While this impacts few, it is a lesson to keep your aligners clean!

How to Prevent Demineralization?

Demineralization happens to Invisalign wearers if they don’t keep their aligners clean. Consult expert an Invisalign in Canton for the best tips on how to maintain oral hygiene during treatment and thereafter. Brush and floss your teeth regularly and especially after meals.  Make sure you are using a fluoride rinse to rinse your mouth thoroughly every day.

Don’t drink acidic or sugary beverages or eat forbidden foods if wearing Invisalign. Since aligners are removable, always take them out before consuming food or drinking something. Store the aligners in a clean retainer case while not in use.

These side effects are somewhat rare and with good care, Invisalign treatment is virtually painless and leads to a great smile.  Visit our orthodontist in Waterford MI to schedule a consultation today!