Friday, November 15, 2019

Important Tips to Keep in Mind While One Loses an Invisalign Aligner

Losing traditional braces or lingual braces you got from any orthodontist in Canton MI is not as big of a cause of concern as with Invisalign in Canton. It is so because once such pieces of equipment are fixed onto your teeth, they can’t be removed easily.

However, the case is different for Invisalign in Canton MI Orthodontist. These aligners are the removable ones and therefore once removed, there is a higher possibility that you forget or lose them. Whenever such a situation occurs, it is advised that you follow the below-mentioned tips for your peace of mind. By doing so, you will ascertain the knowledge so that your treatment does not get derailed anyway. 

Avoid delaying your orthodontic treatment

You will be hampering your treatment time and efficiency if you try to hide the fact that you have lost your aligners and don’t inform your orthodontist that you lost your aligner before proceeding further with the next stage of treatment. Your previous phase needs to be completed before the next set of the Invisalign aligners can be used as prescribed by the Canton orthodontist.

Go and see your orthodontist immediately

Once you are sure that you have somehow lost your aligners, the smartest move would be to visit your orthodontist immediately to get a new pair of aligners ready as soon as possible. It will further ensure that your treatment does not get super delayed at any circumstances. Some orthodontists do not even charge you for the replacements so you need not worry about the costs in the loss situation. 

Don’t make this a habit

You should learn a lesson after once such an incidence that you have lost your Invisalign aligner. It can be a time waste if this is repeated. Any Canton Invisalign expert will advise you to store the aligners in the storage cases carefully. This way of precautionary measures will prove helpful for you not to lose the aligners again. 

In case you have any more doubts or questions, get in touch with our Invisalign and braces in Canton MI for immediate solutions.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Macomb Orthodontist Holds Proficiency in Performing Invisalign Dental Treatments

Invisalign—a popular teeth-straightening system, is considered a remarkable achievement in dentistry in the last few years. Around the world, it has improved the smiles of 5 million plus masses and the numbers are still increasing each day. Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign is invisible thus one of the most preferred methods to straighten the crooked teeth. Owing to this fact, reputed orthodontist in Macomb prefers Invisalign (aligners) dental treatment over the rest solutions.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign comprises of the series of removable and clear aligners which are helpful to straighten and realign teeth. As they are invisible and comfortable too, sufferers prefer such options over the traditional metal braces. Furthermore, they are also aesthetically appealing besides being made with 3 D computer imaging technology. Only Certified Orthodontist does perform the Invisalign treatment in Macomb, U.S.

Who are the Ideal Patients for Invisalign in Macomb?

Any teen or adult facing the problem of crooked teeth and conscious for oral care not willing to compromise with their smile through use of traditional metal braces, may prefer Invisalign. It is advisable to visit only reputed Orthodontist to learn and get evaluated whether you are an ideal patient for Invisalign or not.

How Invisalign Works?

After consultation with the reputed and certified Orthodontist in Macomb, a fully custom-made Invisalign solution is suggested. Patients need to wear such types of clean aligners for at least 20-22 hours daily. They can remove them only for eating, drinking, brushing and flossing purpose. One must not wear one set of aligners more than two weeks thus change a new set after such time frame. Such steps are best to ensure gradual shifting of teeth into place. Orthodontists advise visiting the clinic every 6 weeks to track the progress of this special dental treatment.

How Much Time Invisalign Treatment Takes for the Desired Results?

As each individual case is different considering the case severity, time frame is thus determined after thorough assessment only. Higher the degree of teeth movement, longer would be the treatment. In some patients though, treatment shows result in a time frame of 6 months whereas in a few cases, treatment might extend to even 15 months.
Which Precautions Are Necessary to Follow with Invisalign?

To keep Invisalign in good condition for a long time period, some precautions are necessary to follow:

  • Brushing the teeth well before putting the aligners
  • Avoid consuming hot beverages, food items and chewing gum while wearing invisible aligners
  • Tobacco damages teeth and gums thus it would damage aligners as well. Therefore, avoid smoking while you wear Invisalign.

In Macomb Invisalign treatment has been gaining popularity amongst patients suffering from the misaligned teeth. They prefer visiting reputed Orthodontist to seek ideal dental treatment.

Plan a Visit to Certified Orthodontist in Macomb

Not all dentists are eligible to perform Invisalign treatment in Macomb. Only select few certified orthodontists can carry out Invisalign treatment in both adults and teensSo, process initial consultation with the reputed orthodontist to obtain right treatment and thus gather the facts about total cost of this orthodontic treatment.
Invisalign orthodontic treatment helps to straighten crooked teeth without causing any pain or discomfort. In Macomb, U.S., many certified orthodontists already perform Invisalign treatment with perfection. Contact Us for your peace of mind.